Archive for the ‘friends’ Category
A Snowy Day + Friends Visit
Saturday, January 7th, 2017Goodbye Rex, Goodbye 2016!
Saturday, December 31st, 2016Chloe Loves Rex
Friday, December 30th, 2016Christmas Wish Come true
Thursday, December 29th, 2016Shane wished for a dog and here he is!
Isn’t he the cutest… 10 months old Morki named, Rex. Welcome to our house!
Rex is actually our friends dog and we are dog-sitting this cutie for just a few days.
He’s such a lovable dog! We are already anxious we have to say Good-bye soon. Unfortunately our fear became reality when we confirmed that Shane indeed is allergic to dogs… He’s had itchy eyes sometimes when he played with other dogs in the past but not always. Well, having Rex with us for a couple of days confirmed it. He’s been on allergy medicine. I felt so bad for him because he really loves dogs. We all do actually and and we were really considering rescuing a dog in the near future…
I guess our plot to keep Rex here forever is useless now. 🙁
Lancaster, PA
Tuesday, December 27th, 2016Samson & Our Conversation about Sin
Tuesday, December 27th, 2016I look forward to coming here every year seeing different productions. We saw Samson this time and it was amazing! Once again our family was blown away by the performance and the message is about God’s redemptive love and it always points to Jesus.
After we came home, Chloe and I had a great conversation about sin and forgiveness. I recently heard about drug problems and depressions in middle schools around the area. I was shocked to say the least. I wanted to bring it up to Chloe and talk to her about some of the issues…
We talked about how when we make bad decisions, stupid mistakes, rash sins, or careless choices, how scary those consequences are. We need to be aware of aftermaths of drugs, and it can ruin one’s life sometimes…
I never ever want Chloe or Shane to ever do illegal drugs, or fall into any sinful path, but at the same time, we live in a sinful world and I can’t expect them to live a good and perfect life… So I always tell them if they ever do anything bad, or are in a bad situation, they can always tell me and their Dad and our love for them will never change. They should always tell me everything they are going through because we are here to try to help them from any situations. But even better, I want her to know that no matter how terrible our sin is, the good news is God’s providence and His plan can cover all our sins. His all-wise governing of all things for His glory and for our good, includes our bad choices, our sinful actions, and the consequences that flow from them.
God forgives with His perfect love. Not to your undoing. God has a hopeful plan for you beyond this world that spans eternity. And no mistake of ours can undo it.
God will deliver us from our sin because Christ has paid for our sins.
Chloe’s first reaction to all the drug talk was a shock. And I did scare her quite a bit about all the consequences that can happen. She said to me, “Mommy, I know I won’t ever do drugs, but I worry about Shane. Because he likes to do what his friends do. We have to watch him and pray for him.” So cute… She’s such a good sister (when she’s not beating him up).
Just the fact that she said we have to pray…. I know that her little mustard seed has sprouted in her heart.