Christmas Wish Come true

Shane wished for a dog and here he is!

Isn’t he the cutest… 10 months old Morki named, Rex. Welcome to our house!dsc_8820

Rex is actually our friends dog and we are dog-sitting this cutie for just a few days. img_3513

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He’s such a lovable dog! We are already anxious we have to say Good-bye soon. Unfortunately our fear became reality when we confirmed that Shane indeed is allergic to dogs… He’s had itchy eyes sometimes when he played with other dogs in the past but not always. Well, having Rex with us for a couple of days confirmed it. He’s been on allergy medicine. I felt so bad for him because he really loves dogs. We all do actually and and we were really considering rescuing a dog in the near future…

I guess our plot to keep Rex here forever is useless now. 🙁dsc_8821

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