Archive for June, 2011


Monday, June 27th, 2011

Kids and the husband have been taking turns getting sick for the last month or so, it was evident. I have bronchitis…

scooters and bicycle

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

We had the pleasure of having some good friends over for play date this afternoon.

Shane’s first time riding a scooter. He picked it up right away. And yes Shane… you’re riding a girl’s scooter.

Naomi showing off her arm muscles.

Chloe concentrating hard.

I’m so used to my kids running around and being loud. It was funny to see all of them so quiet. Riding is serous stuff I guess.

a rebel without a cause

Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

The newest thing with Shane is, he’s been Mr. No to everything.

For Father’s day..
Chloe: I’m so excited about father’s day!
Andrew: What about you Shane?
Shane: No can do!

Me: Let’s eat dinner.
Shane: Nope.

Me: Try this, you will like it.
Shane: No can do!

Me: Come sit next to me.
Shane: No.

Me: Do you want to go out for a walk?
Shane: Nope.

Me: You don’t want to go out?
Shane: Nope. I want to stay home.

Me: Let’s get a haircut!
Shane: NOOOO!

Andrew: Korea will be so exciting! You’ll get to fly on an airplane!
Shane: I don’t want to go. I want to stay home.

Me: Do you want a lollipop?
Shane: Nope. I mean yes.

happy father’s day

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

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strawberry picking

Saturday, June 18th, 2011

We went to Alsted Farms in Chester for some strawberry picking today. Shane started to feel better so we thought we do something fun as a family.

Shane lost so much weight and now looks so skinny… Although he seemed fine, he was not totally himself. He kept wanting to be held and asking us to take him home.

Chloe was totally into it. She loved it and was really good at spotting the perfect ones.

fruits of our labor…

sick again

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

My poor Shane got the Coxsackie virus and he’s been in so much pain since Sunday night. He’s got blisters inside his mouth and on his feet. I never knew such a nasty virus existed until now. He’s had a high fever for 2 days and hasn’t eaten anything since Sunday night.

I stayed home with him for the last two days and I have never seen him like this before. He fell asleep on the sofa while I went to make a quick phone call in the kitchen.

I took him to the doctor’s yesterday and while we were waiting over half an hour in the waiting room, Shane kept asking me to take him home. After his exam he got so upset and threw up everything that was in him stomach, which was just water. Walking out of the doctor’s office drenched in Shane’s aftermath, I felt so helpless. There was nothing I could do to ease his pain. I had to force him to take a few drops of Motrin and some water, which in itself was an epic battle. Poor Shane… he’s so clingy and so needy and my blackberry has been buzzing all day with floods of emails from work. I was losing it. By Tuesday afternoon, I had to call Andrew SOS’ing him to come home ASAP from his Toronto trip. He came home on a delayed flight that night close to mid-night. After I filled him in on what’s been happening for the last two days, we found ourselves sitting in the dark in our living room with blackberries in our hands, asking… who’s going to stay home and watch him tomorrow. He said, well if anybody should get fired, it should be you, don’t you think? We both laughed. (He’s lucky I found that funny.)  With all the missed work I had in the last two days, there was no way I could miss another day. Plus, I submitted all my vacation days allowed for this year so I had no days left. I HAVE to go in at least for a few hours even if I had to bring Shane with me. So Andrew pushed the “send” button to his work stating that he had to miss work.

Glad to say that although Shane was miserable, he was in good spirits and upbeat because he was happy he was hanging out with Dad.

I woke up this morning to the tune of Chloe screaming at me about her ear pain. Really? At first I thought she was making this up because she was jealous of all the attention her brother had been getting. Then again, after her last strep episode I couldn’t ignore her so I take her to the doctor. She has an ear infection.


calm before the storm…

Sunday, June 12th, 2011

Shane’s been very quiet today. He said he wanted to walk by himself and let go of my hand. He then put his hands in his pockets and walked away, looking pretty complex.

kids graduation 2011

Friday, June 10th, 2011

We had a fantastic Graduation Ceremony at kids school this morning and all of the children performed several songs with their classes.

Performances by Shane’s class

Here comes Ms. Chloe!

All the children did a wonderful job!

picnic and carnival

Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Our friends came over for dinner so we went to a local park to have a picnic. Chloe said grace before the meal.
