Archive for the ‘art + design’ Category

Tech media night posters

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018

Chloe worked so hard on these posters for the Technology Night at school!

new church building

Sunday, March 18th, 2018

We are at our new location and it feels amazing! Praise God!

Andrew ushering on the first day.


My Sunday school kiddos. Love these kids!

Workshop day

Friday, March 16th, 2018

I feel privileged to have been given the opportunity to design our new sanctuary room in our new church building we are about to move in next week. It’s been a great learning experience for me as I’ve never done anything like this before. I just kept hoping and praying that I don’t mess anything up along the way. I’m so thankful for the great support, help, and encouragement by my church during this process. 

I got to work with our very own carpenter Gary to design this cross and I am just so thrilled.

Today I got to go to his workshop to help build stage walls. Had a blast working with him and his wife. Look at this cute couple! 

I learned how to use staple gun. 🙂

google classroom poster

Monday, March 5th, 2018

Chloe’s school is hosting a Tech Media night in few days and her friend asked her to do a poster for his booth. Theme: Google Classroom

She has a lot to do so Shane offered to help with coloring. Love seeing the kids helping each other. 🙂

closing a chapter…

Wednesday, February 28th, 2018

Today I closed a chapter in my life. I resigned from my job after working full-time for 13+ years as a director/designer. It was a tough decision that I struggled with and prayed about for several months and after going through all kinds of emotions, I finally decided to let it go… This was a choice we made as a family when we decided to “simplify” our lives. As much as I would like to think I was good at balancing my kids and my career, the truth was, I was not… I was too busy, doing too many things and was always on the go, rushing my kids along. I chose to take a few steps back and reprioritize my life. It’s nerve-wracking to think that I’m letting go of a career I’ve been building for 21 years, but I came to realize the most important job I needed to be best at is being a mom and a wife.
I have been so blessed to do what I love for a living and met so many wonderful people in my industry who became my closest friends. As much as I’m sad, I’m also excited to relax a little, spend more quality time with my family and most excited about driving kids to school in my pjs tomorrow morning!

I’ll miss this place…

Celebratory lunch with my co-workers. Cheers!
I’ll be working with them as a consultant. 😉

new rug

Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

birthday breakfast

Friday, February 2nd, 2018

A card & drawing by Chloe. Love my portrait!

A card & coupon gift by Shane. LOL

Inspiration rooms

Tuesday, January 30th, 2018

Love this blanket I purchased for the Hygge themed room.

I was very proud of what I accomplished…then there’s always that nonsense labor I had to do as part of being a “team player” such as this:

Christmas Card

Monday, December 25th, 2017

A Typical Work Day

Friday, December 15th, 2017

Our team got together for a group photo and we pretend to have a Christmas story time. What Fun!

Oh and it was a ugly sweater day. 😉
