Ben, MJ, Kiera, Josephine, Isabella & Chloe Shane
sWe met up with my friend’s family and we enjoyed skiing on the fresh snow. Slope condition was good but it was still super cold, and icy even with snow. I don’t know if it was the 3 hours of driving or the cold, but I was feeling too tired towards the mid-afternoon and I was just thinking I should call it a day. Then next thing I remember is hitting my head on the ground… I have no idea how I fell.
I was taken down on a sledge by a ski patrol, straight to first aid where they took very good care of me and checked me out. Apparently I had a concussion. Oh well.
Thank God my friends were there! They took care of everything, and even drove us home safely.
Shane, me & Chloe (before the fall) First aid room, kids waiting