
Since getting over the terrible cold+sinus infection, she became even a sweeter and happier baby. All I heard from her this weekend was nothing but her sweet laughters and giggles. She finds everything funny and amusing, even an ant on the floor or spilled water on her plate. She’s gotten much easier and cooperative at restaurants too. We enjoyed her so much this weekend!
I’m also happy to report that she is back in her own crib after a month and an half of going back and forth of sharing our bed. She didn’t really give us a hard time about it like we thought she would. We thought it was going to be a nightmare trying to re-train her sleeping routine. But when we told her we would stay in her room until she fell asleep, she understood and was okay with the idea. What a good girl. 🙂

One Response to “Sweetheart”

  1. June Says:

    What a SWEETHEART! 🙂 Hope you’re doing better, Haewon!

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