so long kids!

Ski lesson continues… week 3.

Chloe’s skiing down from the mid-point of the mountain. She started getting on the lift!

Shane’s getting the hang of it. By end of the day today, he was falling less. 🙂

Our good friends are taking the kids for a sleepover at their house ! ! ! This is Shane’s first time ever sleepover and Chloe’s first time at a friend’s. She had a sleepover at her cousin’s last year so I knew she would be okay. In fact, she was too excited about it. She practically started packing the minute I told her about it two weeks ago. Shane, I was little nervous about. He’s been telling me that he didn’t want to go all week but something clicked between him and the our friend’s son during their (short) conversation about… I don’t know, what was it….NINJAGO ! The magic word that gets him every time. After that it was a done deal. Off they went.

We were so grateful for our friends! Andrew and I got to have a romantic night to ourselves. Thank you Michelle + Conway !  !  !

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