secrete beach cave

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We walked all the way up the giant rocks leading to a path made of coral and limestone revealing the most panoramic views and a stairway down into the open coral cave.DSC_6978 DSC_6982 DSC_6985 DSC_6988 DSC_6990 DSC_6992 DSC_6995 DSC_7000 DSC_7003 DSC_7004 DSC_7006 DSC_7009 DSC_7010 DSC_7012 DSC_7013

Breathtaking views…DSC_7018

We stood here holding hands with kids looking out the ocean for a while.  We were the only people on this beach… When the wave crashed into the rocks, it sounded like a rolling thunder. Staring at this awe-inspiring beauty…I naturally praised God…

“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.” – Revelatinos 19:6

We shouted, “we love you, Jesus” when the waves crashed into the rocks.  A moment I will always remember and hope that kids will too.

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