February 2nd, 2022 | Category: food
Tried this recipe
When I came downstairs, Chloe had already made me breakfast the night before for my birthday. SO SWEET!
My mom also made for me a birthday seaweed soup, oysters, steamed & marinaded eggplants and beansprouts. ALL my favorite things to eat. I feel so blessed and full. 🙂
I wasn’t able to do much since I’m still kind of recovering from my concussion on Saturday… but I could still eat. ;P I’m grateful to be alive and surrounded by my family who loves me. Thank you God…
It’s been a bit of rollercoaster with a car accident I had in early January and learning about my good friend passing, then the ski accident… I’m grateful for my groups of faithful Christian friends and family who pray alongside of me and keeping me accountable as I navigate through life.
I made this creamy mentaiko pasta with black bean noddles this time and I’m really digging this texture. I love the creaminess of the sauce with chewy texture from the noodles. This is a very healthy yet decadent dish and my family loved it.
Here’s my version of this pasta sauce: 1 tbs olive oil, 1 tbs butter, thinly minced garlic (2 cloves), 1-2 tbs mascarpone cheese, pollock roe, cherry tomatoes, and topped with parsley
sWe met up with my friend’s family and we enjoyed skiing on the fresh snow. Slope condition was good but it was still super cold, and icy even with snow. I don’t know if it was the 3 hours of driving or the cold, but I was feeling too tired towards the mid-afternoon and I was just thinking I should call it a day. Then next thing I remember is hitting my head on the ground… I have no idea how I fell.
I was taken down on a sledge by a ski patrol, straight to first aid where they took very good care of me and checked me out. Apparently I had a concussion. Oh well.
Thank God my friends were there! They took care of everything, and even drove us home safely.
So we got up at 5am, got ready and left the house at 6 am. and I admit I shouldn’t have driven. I practically drove through snow storm and this is what the highway condition was… I regretted coming out with kids because it was so dangerous and it took us over 3 hours to get to Windham, which should’ve been less than 2 hours. Anyway we made it to the mountain safely. But then…
I’m making my protein bars… which means we are going skiing tomorrow!~ Woo hoo!!
These days my morning starts at around 6:15am. I get up and make kids breakfast and pack lunches, then after kids school drop off, I walk with Miles for about 2 miles then do my hot flow yoga at Lifetime. So my breakfast is usually after I get home from yoga and shower which is around 11:30.
This morning, I made citrus spring mix salad with avocado and smoked salmon topped with fried egg and also added veggie patty. So yummy.
Chloe starts spring track so she started training for it. So disciplined…