March 11th, 2022 | Category: food, friends
My friends dropped off dinners for my family this week. Thank you Mariah, Anna and Carissa for these delicious homemade meals and flowers!! I feel so loved…
My friends dropped off dinners for my family this week. Thank you Mariah, Anna and Carissa for these delicious homemade meals and flowers!! I feel so loved…
Move over avocado, my new favorite cauliflower toast is my new obsession and kids love it too!
I’ve been doing my Monday night Life group Bible study virtually for about a month now since I can’t drive at night due to my headaches… Miles sleeping on my legs. 🙂
and creamy cheesy broccoli chicken casserole
I’m still recovering from the concussion last month and having hard time doing anything else besides morning walks with Miles and cooking. Actually that’s been pretty much all I can handle for the last month or so. I had to pause my yoga classes and gym membership and even reading and watching TV/phone has been hard… I wake up every morning with headache that lasts all day and not able to sleep more than 2-3 hours a day. and by my side is this dude, 24/7.
Cashew butter + cacao powder + coconut oil + banana + unsweetened dark chocolate chips