April 3rd, 2022 | Category: family, food, style diary, travel

April 1st, 2022 | Category: family, food, friends, style diary
We flew to Arizona this morning, just me and Andrew, to celebrate our friend Tina’s wedding. Rehearsal dinner @ The Gladly
March 21st, 2022 | Category: friends, inspirations, uncategorized
I have gotten to know this beautiful woman since last November. She is brave, bold and so comfortable in her own skin and she and I share the love of Korean junk food. She’s been battling cancer for sometime now, and she’s come to know Christ through this difficult and challenging journey. Today we celebrated her birthday with other moms from my town. The love this community showed her is overwhelming and I’m so thankful and privileged to be a part of this amazing group of woman. Happiest birthday MJ!
March 19th, 2022 | Category: chloe, family, inspirations
Today Chloe blew us all away with her drum skills. She just started playing a little less than a year ago and joined this band just 6 weeks ago. I was so excited and so proud of how much she’s learned in such short period of time!! Rock on, Chloebear!!
March 18th, 2022 | Category: food, friends
@Saddle river cafe
My friend Michelle came to check up on me today. So sweet of her to drive all day way here. Love you!
March 16th, 2022 | Category: food, uncategorized
I had another CT Scan done last week and finally met with an neurosurgeon. The good news is my brain injury can recover fully and there’s no permanent damage, on the other hand, the headaches and flare ups can last much longer…up to a year.
There’s still blood left in the brain, so need to do another CT in a month.
March 14th, 2022 | Category: food
Breakfast for kids.
Now that Andrew started going to work in person three days a week, I’m doing double duty driving kids to two different schools in the morning. We leave at 7am for Chloe, and 7:30am for Shane and Miles comes along for a car ride. 🙂
March 12th, 2022 | Category: inspirations, Miles the dog, uncategorized
Three of my favorite things= Puppy + Book + Coffee