August 13th, 2022 | Category: food
Sweet potato oats breakfast cookies. This is my current favorite breakfast.
Sweet potato oats breakfast cookies. This is my current favorite breakfast.
I noticed Shane’s always ordering chocolate pancakes whenever we go out for breakfast so I thought I would give it to him at home. A stack of 4 pancakes!
It was great to be back here!! So many amazing memories…
Of course, we can’t not have Nam Chows when we are here! We had to drive back home today so didn’t have time to stop at RISD which is super sad but maybe we’ll be back here again and I would have many opportunities? Who knows! 😉
All in all, this was a great road trip, getting kids excited and motivated for thinking about colleges! So glad we got to do this, this summer.
We mostly had to do take out foods during this trip because of having hard time finding restaurants that are pet friendly. Plus, it’s too hot to eat outdoor dinning.
We might as well look at Harvard while we are here for some inspiration.;)
Andrew and I left the kids and Miles at the hotel because we wanted Korean food but there’s no Korean restaurant that is pet friendly. Sorry Miles! So Andrew and I had a quick dinner at Korean Garden restaurant which is only 10 min away. When it’s hot out, I only want to eat Korean buck noodles. Yum.
Then we brought fun foods for kids. 🙂
From Tatte bakery & cafe. We are back in the hotel room to cool off. It’s 100 degrees out.
It was getting too hot for Miles to walk, so Shane carried him towards the end.