not again…

Around 3 a.m. last Sunday morning, I woke up with a severe abdominal pain. I had no idea what was causing this terrible pain. Was it food poisoning? Indigestion? I thought I probably ate something wrong but then I had the similar pain last week which didn’t make sense. I could barely walk because of the pain when I got out of the bed. I suggested Andrew to take the kids to church by himself. My parents were worried so they wanted to stay with me just in case but I insisted that they go to church. I just wanted to rest and sleep. I thought, what’s going to happen in a couple of hours? I should just sleep and get better. I fell asleep for about an half hour but then my pain got even worse. I woke up crying and there was no one in the house. I called Andrew and he had left both of his cell phone and blackberry at home. I called my parents and they were not answering the phone either. It was around noon and the church doesn’t end until at least 12:30. I started googling how much an ambulance ride costs. We live a block away from a hospital where I delivered my both kids and seemed so stupid to call an ambulance. Should I wait 30 more minutes or should I dial 911? What if this is just a food poisoning and I’m just going to waste money for one minute ride. I’ll be all embarrassed when my pain turns out to be nothing serious? I was going crazy… Then I got all emotional thinking about my kids and started to cry on my bedroom floor, hunched over in pain. I must’ve cried for a few minutes like that then I heard a car outside. I crawled over to the window and saw it was Andrew. I opened the window and said that he has to take me to the hospital immediately. My parents arrived shortly after that so we went.

I was admitted inside right away but they had to do a few tests including a CAT scan which took forever. They gave me IV with pain meds so I was beginning to feel better after a few hours though. Long story short, after being in ER room for almost 8 hours they told me what I had was a collapsed cyst on my right ovary. This acute pain was caused by the irritation of the lining of the peritoneal cavity known as the peritoneum. The peritoneum can be irritated by blood or the contents of the cyst. The doctor told me that I will continue to have the pain for the next couple of days so I should be resting at home (no work!) and I have to follow up with my doctor the next day…

I was relieved that I wasn’t dying and I can return to my kids and my family. What a day.

3 Responses to “not again…”

  1. Jenn Says:

    Oh my goodness! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Jenn Says:

    Oh my goodness! Hope you are feeling better! At least your nails were nicely manicured! =)

  3. Blog » Blog Archive » never again Says:

    […] Andrew put the kids to bed and I went to bed around 8:30 pm. I was feeling dizzy, my whole body felt like it was bruised and I was also getting chills. The next morning, Andrew went to work thinking I had the flu and thought I should take a sick day. I couldn’t even begin to explain how much I was hurting and I wanted to cry when he was walking out the door. I was. in. so. much. pain. I managed to prepare lunch for the kids, get them dressed and drove them to school. When I came back, I was feeling nauseous, dizzy and I could barely walk. I decided to call in sick and laid in bed for an hours. I also felt pain in my lower stomach but because my whole body was in pain, I didn’t know if I had a stomach bug or if it was the cyst situation again. […]

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