no school day

Schools in Bergen County are off today and tommorrow for a Teacher’s conference so I brought Chloe to work again. Chloe LOVES coming to work with me and I really enjoy having her here. She must’ve colored about 20 pages this morning + completed 4 days worth of Kumon homework, which she then went on to play quietly with her dolls. She was super good for the most part but as soon as someone comes in to talk to me, she would start giggling, chatting away and keep asking me to take her to ToysRUs. I suspect she was testing me in front of others?? Hmmm…

We called home to check on Shane and this is the conversation:

Shane: Mommy, where are you? Are you at work? Is Chloe with you? Why is Chloe at work? What’s Chloe doing there?
Me: I’m sorry I only took Chloe but when you get a little older I will take you too.
Shane: When I get older you will take me to work too?
Me: Yes honey, I will.
Shane: Yay!
Shane: But why is Chloe there and not me? What’s Chloe doing, mommy? Are you at work with Chloe? What are you doing?
Me: Did you enjoying riding your scooter this morning?
Shane: No I didn’t. I don’t like it
Me: Why? How come?
Shane: Because I don’t like it. I made you a green and black leaf for you! Do you want it?
Me: You did? Great! Thank you! I can’t wait to see it.
Shane: Why is Chloe there? What is she doing at work?
Me: Would you like to talk to Chloe?
Shane: Yes.
Chloe: Shane, how are you? I miss you. You be good to Halmuni and Haji (grandma and grandpa), okay? If you’re good, I will buy you ONE toy from ToysRUs!
Shane: ( I couldn’t hear what he was saying)
Chloe: Okay Shane. Oh Shane, you’re a good boy and I love you. You be good, okay Shane? Bye!


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