My First Art Project

Day 3 at the daycare, Chloe learns to cry less and less each time when I drop her off. Monday was her “real” first day because I left her there by herself for the first time and she cried about 30 minutes and throughout the day on and off. Biting my lips, I quietly watched her crying from the hallway and it was absolutely heartbreaking! I was about an hour late for work because I just couldn’t leave. Tuesday, she cried about 5 minutes after I left and that was it! This was a big progress and I was really relieved. Today it was ONLY 2 minutes!! One of the teachers came out and told me the secret. Chloe LOVES to draw so she’s okay once she has a crayon in her hand. As an artist, I was so thrilled to hear that my little girl might share my passion… I’m speechless.

One Response to “My First Art Project”

  1. CrossView Says:

    I’m so glad it’s getting easier- for you both!

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