kids fest


I took the kids by MYSELF to the Kids Spring Fest event by TimeOut NY while Andrew went to go see his dentist. I was really excited to go to the city since I often complain to Andrew that we don't do the city events anymore. Why live so close to the city if we're not going to take advantage of all the cool stuff that this NYC offers?


About 10 min. later, I changed my mind. It was a challenge keeping Shane entertained while Chloe did her art projects. All he wanted to do was run away from me. 



Chloe was so happy, doing projects, and staying close by me.


Shane had about 3 lollipops waiting for Chloe to finish.


Then he was really running around, sugar high…



There was a live music which kids loved.






kids yoga class


All Chloe wanted was popcorns, cotton candy and ice cream. I couldn't buy any of them because I forgot my wallet in the car along with the stroller when Andrew dropped us off. Besides, all the lines were so long that we couldn't have waited given my squirmy Shane. 

SO, today's big lesson was, I will NOT take the kids outside by myself especially to a crowded New York City park. After a couple of hours, all I wanted to do was get on my big fat SUV and get the heck out of there. I love New Jersey. I love all the private big parks where the kids can run around. I love that we don't have to wait in lines to get on swings. I'm not going to fake anymore. I love the burbs.  

One Response to “kids fest”

  1. Judy K. Says:

    Ha ha… I could've written this post.  However, I'm sure we'll both agree that nothing beats the city – at least on a day where you don't have to chase little kids about.

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