We had my mother-in-law’s 73rd birthday party at our house today, which meant that 5,000 clan members from Andrew’s side of the family attended. I was afraid… Okay, all jokes aside, I have the best in-law family. They came with massive amount of food, fed us, cleaned up the mess, and did dishes before they left. What did we do? Andrew grilled all day and I bought flowers and cakes for the party.
Grandmother with all of her grandkids
11 kids total. Chloe and Shane with their 9 cousins ages ranging from 2 – 19 yrs old.
The oldest & the youngest
Korean style summer rolls
eat, drink and play
When they were leaving, Chloe howled because she was so upset and devastated that they were leaving. It was painful to watch. She gets so attached to people and it describes her affectionate and endearing personality. Oh my sweet Chloe…
Chloe: Emily and Joshua are my homies.
Me: What?? Where did you learn this?
Chloe: They are my homies, mommy!
July 15th, 2009 at 8:26 am
What did Chloe say?? Homies? Chloe cracks me up!!
Seems like you had a very busy weekend! Didn’t know Andrew had so many
nieces and nephews! Wow~~
Love the pic of Shane! ( 3rd pic from the bottom) =D