going back to work

It was a very difficult week for me. It feels even sadder this time around now that I’m leaving two kids behind to go back to work. My parents will go back to Korea soon and we will have to leave Shane with a new nanny and Chloe in daycare full-time. The thought of leaving Shane with a stranger is daunting and suddenly it hit me. Do we really need to have two incomes? Is this the lifestyle we want to have? I’m rushing back and forth from Chloe’s daycare  before and after work, and I also rush home to nurse Shane during lunch hours. With the little time I have with my kids  (in the early evening), I bath Shane, nurse him, then put him to bed by 6:30 pm. Then I attend to Chloe to feed her, spend some qualify time with her, bath her, then to put her to bed by 8pm. Thank God my parents are still here  to help us out with  the cooking and  to babysit Shane during the day. Otherwise, I would be starving myself right now. I gave up on sleep, but how do I squeeze cooking and showering in the morning? It’s only been a week of being back at work and I already feel so burnt out. I’m in a weird place right now… 

One Response to “going back to work”

  1. unasu Says:

    hi. i totally empathize with this post. rushing through the day. and it’s 8pm!

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