day 10 – bye bye miami

The thing I enjoyed the most about this trip was my family. I loved sleeping with the kids, waking up with them, playing with them in the sand and in the water, watching them play with each other, and just being around them 24/7 for over 10 days…This was luxury for me. And having my husband was nice too.;)

The hardest part about the trip was by far the plane rides because of Shane. He was curious and constantly moving, tired, and wanted only his mom to hold him. I had to wrestle him the whole time and it was physically challenging as he is very strong. He can bend over backwards 45 degrees when he wants us to let go of him.

One of the sweetest moment was when Chloe was singing in the plane when we landed on the ground. The engine just turned off and people were just waiting to get off. Chloe started to sing the ‘Jesus loves me’ song and everyone was looking around to see who was singing. When she was done people were smiling and some were clapping.

One of the funniest part was when Chloe was sitting watching TV sucking her thumb. Andrew took off his shirt to change and Chloe turned her head 95 degree to her right and looked at him for 2 seconds. She then turned back to her tv show and casually said without eye contact and without a blink as she was more engaged in her cartoon, "Daddy exercise".
I almost fell off the balcony.

The thing I loved the most was the ocean. It was a beautiful aqua blue, clean, refreshing and smooth. Since I was young I loved swimming in the ocean. I remember every summer, my parents would take my brother and I to the beach for a week. I always ran into the ocean waves as fast as I could, jumping right in to the water. I love the feeling of surrounding myself within the vastness of the ocean. I felt like that was the arms of God. I haven’t had that kind of feeling for a long time..but during this trip, this morning in fact, I got to swim alone in the ocean without the kids. I felt peace. For a while I was floating motion less looking up at the sky…and it was that moment which I remember. It was just me and my God.

I’m thankful that we had a wonderful and safe trip and were able to make many memorable moments as a family. I was a little sad to leave Florida because that meant going back to work and a busy life apart from my kids during the weekdays…but as soon as we came back to our house, I was happy to see that the leaves started to turn colors. This reminded me that we have all the fun holidays to look forward to.

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