chloe as a big sister

After I put Shane to bed, around 6:30 pm, it’s been just me and Chloe since I haven’t seen that man named Andrew before 10 pm for weeks! My daily routine is usually crazy busy juggling so many things by myself, but after Shane goes to bed I can relax a little bit and have quality time with my girl. If the weather’s nice, like this evening, Chloe and I like to enjoy our dinner in the backyard. She and I sat in the swinging chair eating, singing and telling the mosquitos to go away. It was a perfect evening with Chloe. I love that she is such a happy little person! 

Sometimes I feel bad that we naturally demand more responsibilities from Chloe, just because she has a little brother. I am so proud of her that even at such an early age, she seems to know that she is an older sister and steps up to the plate. She is so smart and is aware of her surroundings that I often forget that she’s only 2 years old. 
Just couple of days ago, she was having so much fun running around with her balloon that she didn’t realize Shane was following her. Then in a split of second when she turned around, she accidentally wrapped Shane with a ribbon hanging from the balloon and scared him. When I saw it I grabbed Shane immediately from the floor and raised my voice at Chloe saying she was scaring the baby. Chloe looked at me with her two puppy eyes and said,"mommy, I was scared too…" and started to tear up putting her hands to her chest.
I was so shocked at her comment that it made me realize how unfair I was being toward Chloe. I hugged her tight and told her it wasn’t her fault and that I was sorry. She started to cry in my arms. It was almost as if she was pleading with me to tell me that she’s just a baby too… My heart broke.

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