Archive for the ‘party planning’ Category

this is 7!

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

Chloe can be very shy outside of home so she’s super excited that she’s going to have her entire classmate of girls over. I know she really misses her friends from her previous school and had a rough time adjusting to a new environment so I’m hoping this would be a great way for her to open up and build closer friendships. Chloe said,”so, my friends will see my OTHER side today” with a big smile.

Andrew and I went back and forth about the idea of having the party at home or somewhere else, but in the end, I thought having it at home would be more special for everyone. Plus I love planning a girly party. 🙂

Nice to meet you my beautiful and sweet guests!

They are all equally so so so silly.

Thank goodness for my awesome helper/babysitter!

Does it look like an unicorn? I had some challenging requests by demanding customers…

Much needed beauty sleep…

This literally lasted a couple seconds.

Shane, eating candy canes by the fire and watching the girls.

Thank you so much for coming and celebrating Chloe’s birthday! ! !

getting ready for chloe’s party { part 2 }

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

It took me 8 hours to make this tassel garland. It was worth it.

Ta da~
I bought this cake from a local bakery and decorated myself. I chose the most plain looking one then I put this beautiful edible wafer hydrangeas that I ordered from Etsy. Semi-homemade. I’m proud. 🙂

These are also store bought cupcakes and I asked the baker to do a very low frostings. Then I put my own decorations that I made out of marzipan a couple nights ago. I made little flip flops, bathtub, eye shadows, make-up applicators, bows, lipsticks and a mirror.

My birthday girl

Shane’s also very excited.

I also made some tea sandwiches for the girls.

I’m planning on feeding them some healthy snacks before they get to the cakes. I’m determined.

Andrew’s getting the fire going.

Here I am. I’m ready for the girls.

getting ready for chloe’s party { part 1 }

Saturday, December 14th, 2013

It’s going to be a beautiful spa day for the girls. Can’t wait!

holiday cocktail party / jewelry show

Friday, December 13th, 2013

I’m having my friends over for a holiday sale tonight.

Candy cane cocktail.

Thank you for a great turnout! It really was an excuse to hang out with friends and drink yummy cocktails. 🙂

look who’s turning 7!

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013

happy brunch

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

We’re hosting a lunch for friends and I thought it would be fun to have breakfast food for lunch.

Smoked salmon salad

Italian sausage breakfast popovers

Baked French toast bread pudding

Ombré pancakes

A perfect way to end this long holiday weekend. I’m full. And tired. 😉
