Archive for the ‘friends’ Category


Tuesday, December 24th, 2019


Monday, December 16th, 2019

with my ex-coworkers/friends. It was great catching up!

Chloe’s birthday party!

Sunday, December 8th, 2019

Today we are celebrating Chloe’s birthday with her friends at an Ice skating rink!

Thank you all for making this day so special!


Friday, December 6th, 2019

Our family was invited to a friends Ugly Christmas sweater party tonight.

So. Much. Fun.

ladies lunch

Saturday, November 23rd, 2019

I had a lovely lunch with this amazing beautiful ladies. They are my prayer warriors! So blessed to call them my sisters in Christ.

50th Anniversary -{ Friends party}

Friday, November 15th, 2019

What an honor to be a part of celebrating our friend’s special day! They’ve been married 50 years!

Thank you for having us! Congratulations!!!

no school = playtime

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

shopping with teens

Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

I took Chloe and her friend shopping to the mall on a Saturday night. Those smiles make the 4 hours in the crowded mall experience very worth it.

happy halloween

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

Kids went off on their own to trick-or-treat with their friends after school today. I came home after dropping them off and turned on my kindle to read but then fell asleep within minutes. It was my kind of Halloween, the most relaxing kind…;)

no whales today

Friday, August 30th, 2019

So we got on the boat, and I was  excited at the prospect of  seeing beautiful whales jumping all around the boat on this gorgeous summer day…. But then the captain kept making announcements warning us about the high swell of the ocean this morning, being very rough due to the rain we got yesterday, blah blah blah. Hmmm. I’ll be okay, I thought. I mean, we all took dramamine… Then all of the sudden, Andrew sprung up saying he’s not feeling this boat ride and took Shane off the boat with him before I had the chance to think. A perfect excuse to go golfing, we all thought and knew. So it was just Chloe and me with two of our friends. Turned out, we were the fools.

As soon as the boat took off, we felt the strong cold wind shooting at us and I felt like we were all going to be blown away if we stayed on the outside deck. So we tumbled our way in, holding on to rails and anyone whoever reached out to give us their hands so we could hold on to our dear lives and go inside of the boat.

About 5 mins in, I got seasick. Chloe got seasick and my friends did too. No one spoke to each other and we kept our head down and shut our eyes hoping it will end soon. 30 mins or so later, Chloe asked me how much long the boat ride is going to be and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we have about at least 4 more hours of this awful ride… Oh Dear God, help us.

5 hours later, we didn’t see any whales nor did we bothered to look outside the entire ride. These pictures were taken when we got close to the land by Chloe. In the throes of seasickness, all I could think about was how I felt so bad and sorry I did this to my Chloe…for my another “stupid” idea. She didn’t get mad at me though and this amazing girl even tried to take care of me towards the end by trying to warm me up. Though she also got seasick, I barf* much more than her. (Which by the way, ended my lobster streak)
I mean there were people vomiting left and right, front and back. I once read, “People who don’t get seasick have no idea what it’s like. It’s not just nausea, It’s nausea plus losing the will to live. ” That’s all I gotta to say to that.

