Archive for the ‘food’ Category


Saturday, February 4th, 2017

We are so happy to have our friends stay with us this weekend for my birthday + super bowl party. 🙂

Baked French Toast with berries.


Easy dinner

Friday, February 3rd, 2017

Chicken Quesada


Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Andrew had to go to his office to work this Sunday afternoon, so kids and I went to Chelsea market to eat and play.

Korean Comfort Food

Saturday, January 21st, 2017

One of my favorite guilty pleasures, Ddukbokki (spicy rice cake). It’s a perfect snack on a cold winter day. Kids loved it too.

A Snowy Day + Friends Visit

Saturday, January 7th, 2017


Lunch: Butternut squash soup + Rosemary thyme Chicken sandwichDSC_8848

It’s snowing pretty heavy outside and we are so glad our fiends could come over to hang out with us today. Nothing better than being at home, nice warm and cozy with our good friends on a winter day.

Chloe was so happy to see them! Can’t you tell? 😉DSC_8851

Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 1st, 2017


We, once again, were not successful staying up past 11:30 pm, but the good thing was we were not tired to go to church this morning.DSC_8836

We are heading over to my mother-in-laws for some good Dduk Guk (Korean Rice Cake Soup) for dinner but in the meantime, I was in the mood for homemade Kimpbop.

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Goodbye Rex, Goodbye 2016!

Saturday, December 31st, 2016




We are making bacon grilled cheese sandwich &

Grilled Salmon sandwichDSC_8833


Rex’s family is coming over for lunch, and then it’s time to say goodbye…

We’ll miss you, Rex! We are Rex’s “official” dog sitter according to Chloe. Come back anytime~XO


Lancaster, PA

Tuesday, December 27th, 2016

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What a fun trip this was! So glad we got to spend some quality time with GRC families.

Playing, Crafts & Food

Sunday, December 25th, 2016

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Shane and Chloe played with their new games,dsc_8737 dsc_8738

Then Chloe and I did some drawings.dsc_8739

Floral serving platter


Chloe’s reindeer mugdsc_8741

Pork roast for dinnerdsc_8742

Merry Merry!

Sunday, December 25th, 2016


Kids woke up super early and were supper happy to see all the presents. They were really curious about their presents but they didn’t open any of them!  They kept their promise to open them AFTER our Christmas service. I was impressed!


Off to church~dsc_8661 dsc_8676
