Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

We are grilling Kalbi BBQ in the backyard today.

Sweet Cherries

Monday, July 3rd, 2017

We went cherry picking at Fishkill Farms in upstate NY today.

Like my new earrings?

Eating apple cider donuts

My messiest corn eater! Lol.

Friends Reunion!

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

My best friends came to visit from Hong Kong and California  so we met in the city and had a fun dinner at Salvation Taco.

Missed my girls!!

Each year our kids are getting taller and we are getting older. Love you guys!

Happy Long Weekend!

Saturday, July 1st, 2017

It’s a holiday weekend which means my mom and I will be cooking a lot to feed our carnivore family. 


Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Lunch at Mitchell’s fish market

Burgers and Shakes

Tuesday, June 27th, 2017

I took today off from work and took my mom, my nephew and my kids to the city for a lunch at Black Tap.

Burger are  good but this is the real reason why we are here. These ridiculous shakes…

Good bye COTW!

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

We had an awesome time here as always. So thankful to God for allowing our family to spend quality time with my brothers and sisters in Christ away from our regular routines back home, and for our speaker, Sandy Wilson, a great speaker who touched my heart and challenged my faith to grow. I’m grateful for this time of spiritual renewal…

Hope we can be back next year~

Good bye Lake Pleasant!

Came home after 3.5 hr drive and made Moroccan Chicken to finish this awesome weekend. 🙂

Enjoying the Outdoors

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

My nephew went on a boat with the youth group.

Today was too windy, not ideal for paddle boarding but Chloe wanted to try anyway. Sure enough most of the paddle boarders including her got pushed very quickly to the shore within minutes. The crew came over to the beach pulling out paddle boards and canoes because they couldn’t bring the boards back to the dock where they started. But Chloe kept trying and trying to push herself.

She said, I can do this. Let me try again.

And she almost did! I was super impressed with her determination!

She got so close to the finish line but one very strong wind pushed her, making her not able to turn around.

She came back to the beach again and Andrew gladly carried her over back to the dock. 

Good for you for trying!!

Meanwhile back in front of our lodge, there was a sandcastle contest. 

More s’mores. 

Shane was just having the best time with his buddies.

Fellowship & Bonfire

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

Eating hotdogs like it’s his only chance…

Loving nights like this…

Road Trip!

Friday, June 23rd, 2017

We are on our way to spend a long weekend in the Adirondacks with our church family.

Lunch stop at Comfort Kitchen in Saratoga Springs, NY.
