Archive for the ‘food’ Category

Cape May

Saturday, August 26th, 2017

Breakfast at Mad Batter

My sophisticated girl ordered lobster eggs benedict. 

Andrew and I haven’t been here for years and I’m surprised how pretty this town has become.

Good Morning Manchester

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017

I have to say everything we ate here in Vermont was so fresh and absolutely delicious including this breakfast at The Colonnade.

Afterwards Andrew went golfing (again) and I went to hit more antique stores and outlets. What a treat!


Monday, August 21st, 2017

Where are the kids?;)

I am enjoying the relaxing afternoon and the abundant free time…

Cocktail hours at the resort.

Dinner at Reluctant Panther.

Absolutely delicious!!

Road Trip to Pennsylvania

Saturday, August 19th, 2017

We are driving down to Pennsylvania to drop off kids for one week sleep-away camp at PFC (Pioneers For Christ camp Ministry).

We stopped at Bethlehem town to have lunch at the Tap Room.


Wednesday, August 16th, 2017

Because, summer.

Getting Together with Friends

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Pool Party!

Rex is back! And we are so thrilled to dogsit this guy for a couple of days.

Loves soba noodles!

Thanks for feeding us, friends!

Visiting Williamsburg

Wednesday, August 9th, 2017

Lunch at Móle

Showing the Brooklyn bridge to my nephew.

Dough donuts

Lovin’ Summer

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Today kids got to collect fresh eggs from a friends’ farm. How cool!

Then had delicious food at another friend’s house and played.

Loving the lazy summer afternoons…

Happy Sunday

Sunday, July 30th, 2017

I took my mom and Chloe to Montclair and discovered playa bowls. Yum!

A Gorgeous Summer Afternoon With Friends

Saturday, July 29th, 2017

Today we were invited to our friend’s backyard BBQ.

They fed us so much delicious food! 

It was one of those perfect afternoon with great friends…
