Archive for the ‘food’ Category

breakfast please~

Thursday, June 27th, 2019

I asked Shane to make me breakfast this morning and he got up so excited  to do it. He told me to stay put in bed so I listened. Thank you, my sweet baby!

Hmmm, seltzer water…I should teach him how to make coffee… 😉

beautiful day in the city

Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

After the fun experience at the museum, we met up with my friend visiting from Hong Kong! So great to catch up with her!

Lunch @ Smith

My friend gave them stinky Beanboozled Challenge… Ewwww

We went to the Plaza Food Hall to have dessert. 

Then hung out at the Central Park.

Kids sang British anthem, “God Save The Queen”, on the way home. So random.

kicking off summer

Monday, June 24th, 2019

Today kids and I treated ourselves to a great sushi @ Sakura Wyckoff in honor of an official beginning of summer break!


Saturday, June 22nd, 2019

We are on our way to Speculator, NY for our church retreat this weekend and we stopped by Saratoga for a lunch break.

This guy is always hiding his face from my camera.

Haha I got you!

Chloe got a notice that her report card was available so we checked. All As~ So proud of her for her hard work!

Great food @ Salt & Char

Stopped by matcha tea. mmmmm.

ladies dinner

Sunday, June 9th, 2019

My lovely friend Susan is hosting a ladies dinner at her beautiful place.

alfresco dinning 

Sunday lunch

Sunday, June 9th, 2019

I’m making cheese puffs for an afternoon snack and also to bring to my friends later.

sunday brunch

Sunday, May 19th, 2019

@ saddle river cafe

presents from kids

Sunday, May 12th, 2019

Shane made me these eggs for bed-in-breakfast!

I snuck up on him while he was making me breakfast. He was not happy. He’s about to say “STOOOP!”

Hello? Why is he still in bed??

Shane’s card

Chloe did woodwork at school and she made this cute bear & this beautiful illustration for me!

Thank you guys! My greatest joy in life is being your mommy. I love you both so much!

happy Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 12th, 2019

We had lunch with my sweet mother-in-law after church. I really couldn’t have ask for a better, more loving MIL. 

Nice warm Korean food on a cold rainy day hits the spot.

our last night in Scottsdale

Saturday, April 27th, 2019

I can’t believe how time flew by so quickly and it’s already our last night together. I am so thankful that all of us were able to carve out time out of our busy lives to spend a quality time together. What an amazing trip this was! A big shout out to Julie and Kimberly for planning the trip and making us an itinerary. I LOVE vacations I don’t have to plan! !
My face got so much exercise this weekend from so much laughter and from all those food I chewed! Love you guys~~
