Archive for the ‘food’ Category


Sunday, March 22nd, 2020

Everyone is reading during breakfast. I’m ok with that. Gave me time to catch up on my devotions, before our live stream worship this morning.

Chicken sandwich for lunch 

My legs got tired so I learned from Shane and sat down while chopping vegetables. LOL. Cooking 3 meals for 6 peeps during this quarantine time ain’t easy…


Me love one pot meals

So thankful for his help today!

Day 6, but who’s counting?

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

My sweet dad made breakfast for kids today, seeing that I didn’t come downstair to the kitchen past 8am. I was calling the hospital, talking to my mom, her nurse and her doctor getting updates.
My dad didn’t want to eat anything all day until my mom came home. He thought that my mom was starving at the hospital so he waited until she got home so they could eat together. He’s the sweetest husband.

After my breakfast at almost lunch time, I went to go pick up my mom from the hospital. So thankful she’s coming home today, and her BP is back to normal. Praise the Lord!

Before heading out, kimchi fried rice for the fam.

Tough day :: day 5

Friday, March 20th, 2020

Today was crazy scary day. My mom’s been not feeling well for the last few days, saying she’s feeling lightheaded, then last night she started having concerning symptoms, one of them being high blood pressure. We called a few ERs in hospitals to see if they were treating coronavirus patients, and we decided to wait it out until this morning to take her to an urgent care place nearby to reduce the risk of exposing her to the virus. However after consulting with a doctor at the urgent care this morning and talking to my couple of friends who are doctors, I made the decision to take my mom to an ER despite the threat of COVID-19. The decision didn’t come easy and I was unsure if I was doing the right thing, but in the end, it was the only thing to do, given her condition. And I’m so grateful that I did. She was taken inside and was given the care she needed. At first, I wasn’t able to stay with her in the ER room, but thanks to my friend doctor who called in for me, they made the special exception for me to stay with her until she got admitted to the hospital which was 6 hours later. The wait was long and it was scary seeing everyone super stressed, but I was thankful that they were able to do all the tests she needed. When I HAD to leave because they were being very strict with no visitors rule, my mom gave me the biggest saddest puppy eyes right at me which broke my heart. But I had no control over this situation and I trusted that she was in good hands.

I left and walked to the parking lot only to find that my car battery was dead. Along with my phone! I sat there for a few minutes, tired, hungry and worried, then I gathered myself and walked back to the same security guard who was extremely mean and rude to me when he kicked me out the first time. I had to ask him if I can borrow his phone charger and he said I couldn’t. And that was that. I mean, I could see there were bunch of chargers right next to him, but whatever. So I asked one of the valet guys if they could help me jumpstart my car. They didn’t jump in too eagerly to help but reluctantly they did and I was SO grateful. This was around 11pm at this point. I drove home, picked up a few granola bars, hot water, my mom’s phone and the charger then headed back to the hospital to drop them off, talked the nurse in charge of my mom at the front lobby then came back home around mid-night. What. A. Day.

I’m grateful by this point, she was already stable and beginning to feel better. 

big family, big meals :: day 4

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Breakfast for me and my parents:

I promised kids I would make French toasts for breakfast this morning, so here it is. They’ve been complaining about having to drink green smoothies with their breakfast every morning so this is a special treat. 😉 And when I say kids, that also means my husband included.

Vietnamese chicken with rice for dinner. 

Virtual school :: day 3

Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

Chloe working on her TED Talk for language art class.

Enjoying physical activities at the park. We’ve been coming here every evening to get some exercise but we learned that as of tomorrow morning, this park will also be closing. 🙁

These kids never run out of energy, They are wrestling after dinner.

Putting their energy to good use…

virtual learning :: day 2

Tuesday, March 17th, 2020

I sat down with Shane for a good couple of hours this morning, reading through his social studies and language arts class works. I left him on his own yesterday to go through his first day and checking his work this morning, I was not convinced he was doing everything he was supposed to do. He did…but not to my likings.

I know this girl is on top of her studies… you are, right?

She just told me to go away…

Quarantine :: A State of isolation

Monday, March 16th, 2020

The world has gone mad and we with it. COVID-19 virus started spreading throughout the world and it is now so close to home. We had a livestream Sunday service, Andrew started working from home, and kids schools have closed as of last Friday 3/13. We began our virtual learning today.
I’ve been sick with sinus infection + bronchitis (my doctor said I don’t have coronavirus) so I missed out on stocking up on groceries last week like the rest of the world, so after making breakfast, helping kids all setup with school materials, I tackled grocery shopping. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. I was scared there might be lines outside even to get into a supermarket, but I guess I went early enough before getting too crowded. This whole thing feels like a bad dream. We’ve never experienced anything like this in our lifetime and just reminded me how small we humans are… I’m just so thankful my family are all here with me, including my parents.

After finishing her school work, Chloe spent a few hours cleaning and organizing her room.

Chloe and I have been going to a park for last few days so she can skateboard and I can walk/run while keeping our distance from people. Shane shoots around basketball in the driveway throughout the day. After dinner, we watched a movie together just like past few nights. It’s was a simple but also a very busy 1st day of quarantining…

happy together

Friday, March 6th, 2020

So happy to see these gals and even though we don’t get to see each other often, the love is always there. We chatted about everything…it’s like we were never apart. And I found out SJ is pregnant with twin girls! So So happy for my friend and I can’t wait to meet them this summer!

my favorite breakfast. ever.

Monday, March 2nd, 2020

I make a mean avocado smoked salmon on toasted everything bagel.

happy fellowship

Saturday, February 29th, 2020

What a wonderful time we had tonight with some of my GRC family! I love when our conversations are intentional and Christ centered. Loved and enjoy every minute of their presence at our home. 🙂
