Saturday, September 26th, 2020Delicious apple picking @ Twin Star Farm
Delicious apple picking @ Twin Star Farm
To my sweetest boy!
This guy!!! He doesn’t ask for anything for his birthday, not a party not even a present! When he came home from school I surprised him with a little outdoor tent dining in the back yard with his favorite food, sushi. I also went crazy and bought all the junk food he has ever asked for in the past which I always said no to, like cheetos, cream soda, etc… when he saw them, he was beyond shocked. Lol. He was so happy (even got teary eyed) and thanked me a million times.
He. Melts. My. Heart. Every. Day.
Happy birthday to my son! You make me so proud and so happy. Thank you for being who you are. I am so infinity grateful to God for having you in my life. Love you son.
Shane turns 12 tomorrow!~~
We met up with Lee family and hike up the Bear mountain on this gorgeous fall weather! So wonderful catching up with our lovely friends!
Dinner @Savini’s
Happy birthday to the best mom in the world!
Today my mom and I went antiquing all day in Cold Spring NY. I love spending time one on one with her. What a gorgeous weather to top it off! We had so much fun walking around, browsing shops and found a little French restaurant and had the most délicieux déjeuner. 🙂
Grilling steak CHECK making instant ramen CHECK roasting potatoes CHECK roasting hotdogs CHECK making s’mores CHECK playing board games while eaten alive by mosquitos CHECK scary stories by the camp fire CHECK sleeping in the tent CHECK
4am bathroom visit with flashlights CHECK
Camping Trip 2020 CHECK
What an awesome night catching up with friends! After dinner, I sent my family home and three of us sat out until 11pm chatting, enjoying the beautiful summer night. So Fun!