Archive for the ‘chloe’ Category

Special treat by Chloe

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

Chloe announced that she’s going to cooked for us this weekend and  she worked on a menu, jotting down a list of grocery list.

She wanted me out of the kitchen and out of her way, so she could do everything on her own. But she needed help so she hired a sous-chef named Andrew. 😉

They were working hard when I came back to the kitchen after being gone shopping with my mom.

My mom looking so amused.

Chloe said this was her invention, her own recipe. It was really really good!

She gave a very good introductory about her food,

then she bowed,

said Grace,

and served her food to everyone. Bravo!

Happy Long weekend!

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

shenanigans at home~ LOL

Football game

Saturday, September 1st, 2018

Go Rutgers!

waffles for breakfast

Thursday, August 30th, 2018

We spotted a falcon in our yard…

out and about

Wednesday, August 29th, 2018

With grandparents. 🙂

Thank you PFC!

Friday, August 24th, 2018

Kids had an amazing time and they had testimonies after the camp.
Shane said that even though he knew about the gospel, and he knew he kind of believed but didn’t know why before, but now after this past week, he WANTS TO believe in God… I think that’s a very honest and incredible testimony by a nine year old. I’m so proud of our kids and so grateful Pioneers For Christ ministry!

kids return!

Friday, August 24th, 2018

I had butterflies in my stomach while driving, thinking about seeing my kids again!

Chloe ran as soon as she saw me!


Stopped by Bethlehem, PA for some thai food and enjoyed hearing all about their time at camp!

PFC camp

Saturday, August 18th, 2018

These kids are going to a week away camp in PA. They had such a great time last year, they’ve been anticipating to go back!

Will miss you so much…. See you in 5 days~~~~~~

BBQ at home

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

Chloe: Grandma, can you make us Kalbi?

Grandma: Happy to!

back to cooking

Sunday, August 12th, 2018

spaghetti alle vongole for lunch
