Archive for the ‘chloe’ Category

Chloe’s spring concert

Thursday, May 9th, 2019

fitting for running shoes

Wednesday, May 8th, 2019

Chloe runs in track this spring and she needs proper shoes. After $250 later, I expect to see her fly.

Go Bear Maximum!

Sunday, May 5th, 2019

Chloe’s team made it to Bergen County Battle of the Books competition.

Though they didn’t win, they did great!

happy easter!

Sunday, April 21st, 2019

We made it!

Stopped by Andrew’s Dady’s grave yard afterwards. 

We picked up my parents from their church and went to have lunch afterwards. 

get us home!

Saturday, April 20th, 2019

When the customer service at AA told us that our only option to get as closest as possible to our home TODAY was flying to Philly at 5pm from Charlotte, we thought that was it. Except me. I thought there has to be another way. I needed to find a different option. I kept praying and searching online for a better option. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday and I wanted to go home today and be at church tomorrow! Miraculously I don’t know how, I was able to find availabilities on 7pm flight to Newark on AA. I showed it to a customer service person and he was like, “oh, ok. you can do that”
So that’s how we got home and I got a MVP award from my family.

We had a long layover at Charlotte so we used priority lounge to rest.

Thank you God for watching over us and getting us home safely tonight!

another day in the paradise- Day 8

Saturday, April 20th, 2019

Heading out to the airport again. At this time, we have a hope of getting a flight close as Philadelphia then drive home on a rental car because since we missed our flight yesterday there are no more flights to Newark today… So that’s what we were told at least. Blah.

one more night

Friday, April 19th, 2019

We thought we were leaving the island this afternoon, but after much delays and cancel flights due to a tornado in Charlotte, we had to scramble to find a stay in the island tonight. This literally was the only hotel room available in the island because there were another  flight  cancelled before ours. We ended up paying soooo much for this room and resort fee….

it was a very spacious and very nice one bedroom with a great view.

Headed back to Camana Bay and had another great meal @ Agua

afternoon with my daughter

Thursday, April 18th, 2019

We strolled around Georgetown looking for souvenirs eating ice cream.

paddleboarding- pictures from my go pro

Thursday, April 18th, 2019


Thursday, April 18th, 2019

Chloe and I went out paddle boarding this morning.

Funny story… I tried doing a head stand and fell into the water. Here, I came out of water and am holding my thumbs up shouting, “I’m ok!”

