We decided to take a last minute road trip for change of scenery. There weren’t much options to stay in Manchester so we booked a place in Stratton, VT. It was very quiet, with everything closed except for 1 restaurant in the entire village.
The place we stayed would’ve been a good option during ski season, but we made the best of it and spent a lot of time playing board games and watching movies. It felt nice and cozy to have everyone contained in a small space where I could see and talk to everyone. Whereas at home, we all tent to be spread out.
So I convinced my family I was fine and that I’m feeling cabin fever from staying in bed for 2 weeks, so they took me out for a drive and nice picnic by the Hudson River. Even though my belly was still swollen and was a bit painful to wear pants, I felt like a normal human again to be out of the house.
Chloe has been by my side, helping me getting up and down, getting me water and food, and even reading to me. What an angel…
We also spent time watching girly chick flicks like Breakfast At Tiffiany’s (which turned out to be not so appropriate btw ;P) and Clueless and enjoyed some quality girls only time. How did I get so lucky…
We celebrated my dad’s birthday with a lobster feast. Happy birthday to a loving Dad/Grandfather who loves God and loves his family, a faithful follower of Christ and a devoted husband. Love you Dad!
We’ve been so lucky to have many gracious friends who let us use their pools to cool off this summer. We literally have been going to different friend’s pools at least once a week. Thank you!!
We’re having special guests this evening and I made, watermelon feta salad, Mexican street corns, guacamole, lobster rolls, and for dessert, peach cobbler.
We played Basketball, golf, tried skateboard tricks and ended the night with badminton game. Thank you Noel family for coming over to play with us! We are so grateful for your ministry!
We had an awesome day at the beach today. We packed up and got in the car by 7 am, arrived at Ocean Grove by 8:30am, in the ocean by 9 am. The water was clean, refreshing for this beautiful summer day and we had so much fun riding the strong waves! It was not crowded in the morning, and when it was getting crowded by noon, we packed up and left by 2pm. Great Day!
Wife, Mother, jewelry designer & graphic designer /Creative Director, I am HaeWon Cadence Ryu. This is a glimpse into my life’s blessings, passion and inspiration.
This blog came to fruition after I began motherhood; I wanted to be able to capture every millestone of my two beautiful children - Chloe & Shane as they journey through their early years. Since the launch of my online jewelry site, cadencelee.com, I’ve come face-to-face with having to juggle multiple roles. As a result, I have decided to feature some of my designs and inspiration alongside postings of my precious family. For me, this is the perfect medium of work-life balance.