birthday presents!

It’s Friday night, kids were fed, showered and tucked in bed and dishes were put away. It’s that time of the month for me and I was ready for bed by 8pm and that’s when Andrew came home from work. He kept coming in and out of the bedroom, telling me he can’t keep a secret and asking me if I wanted my birthday present now. Honestly, I was in no mood and I just asked him to bring me some advil. He still was so excited and finally he gave me this present box and told me I could have it but I couldn’t open it till Sunday.

You’re kidding me! I shouted. When I saw the box, I flipped. No you didn’t… I jumped out of bed and I don’t know what happened but the next thing I knew I was in tears when I saw what was inside.

Andrew: (looking at me so confused then he said,) “Ahh, it’s your period…”.

I couldn’t believe he bought this beautiful pair of shoes! It’s not only surprising he picked out such a cool design that I absolutely love, what’s more amazing is that the man actually went to a department store (he absolutely hates shopping!) and probably asked a sales person, “Dude, find me red sole shoes for my wife” and came home with this! ! !

The next morning, I got this sweet present from Chloe.

She sewed these two heart shaped felts together, made into a pocket and put little hearts and a snowflake inside it.

So sweet!

One Response to “birthday presents!”

  1. Jenn Says:

    Haewon, you must’ve trained Andrew well over the years.
    Great job to you both! :p

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