After walking around Avenue des Champs-Élysées most of the day, we came back to Saint Germain to shop Chloe’s favorite store, Brandy Melville. Don’t ask… Anyway, we stumbled upon this cute little cafe and they had live jazz too!
Wife, Mother, jewelry designer & graphic designer /Creative Director, I am HaeWon Cadence Ryu. This is a glimpse into my life’s blessings, passion and inspiration.
This blog came to fruition after I began motherhood; I wanted to be able to capture every millestone of my two beautiful children - Chloe & Shane as they journey through their early years. Since the launch of my online jewelry site,, I’ve come face-to-face with having to juggle multiple roles. As a result, I have decided to feature some of my designs and inspiration alongside postings of my precious family. For me, this is the perfect medium of work-life balance.