My 9 year old Chloe


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This is Chloe at 9:

Loves to read. LOVES.

She loves to sing silly songs, can rap with her own lyrics. It’s actually very impressive.

She’s very quiet and shy outside of house. But at home, she has multiple personalities.

her favorite food is sushi which is why I took them to sushi dinner tonight. 🙂

When I get mad at her, she immediately comes to me and gives me hug and says “I’m really really sorry mommy. Can you forgive me?”. This happens most of time but other times, she screams at me too.

She has discovered sarcasm.

She absolutely adores Shane. She just spent most of her money saved to buy Shane’s Christmas gift.

Although. When she gets mad at Shane, she can shut the door on him with a force of a tornado

But she can’t close her own closet door to save her life. Ever.

She’s sentimental. She cannot throw out anything. Her storage space is filled with empty toy boxes.

She’s funny, witty, hilarious. According to Shane.

She doesn’t like to brush her hair, doesn’t care if her pants has stains or holes.

She prefers comfy clothes over dressing fancy. She once called the clothes I asked her to wear, “your stupid clothes”… Yea…

Loves to collect scented hand sanitizers from BBW. Obsessed.

Loves to hang out with me and enjoys cooking and baking. 🙂

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Singing herself a happy birthday song~DSC_3486

I pray to God for wisdom to know when to hold your hand and when to stand behind you with a little push. I am incredibly proud of you my beautiful little soul… You are exactly the way you’re supposed to be. I love you so much…

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