Archive for March, 2015

another snow day!

Thursday, March 5th, 2015


School is closed today due to snow storm. Everyone did their own thing this morning. Andrew worked in his man cave/office, I worked in my bed, Chloe read somewhere in the house, and Shane played his mindcraft game next to wherever Chloe was.

Then for lunch, Chloe and I decided to make California rolls.

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It’s been the most quiet day so far…


favorite day of the week – tuesday

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015


On Tuesdays, Chloe gets picked up by her friend’s mom from school at 2:30pm. Chloe gets to go to her house, gets her homework done, plays, and eats dinner there. And the mom used to be a professional chef and Chloe always raves about how good her dinner was. Today her mom also packed chloe some cupcakes with different color icing piping bags so she can decorate them when she gets home. I mean… T.G. you’re amazing! We’re so lucky to know you!

DSC_6298Chloe’s self portrait. Acrylic painting.

star dish of the week

Sunday, March 1st, 2015

I ordered 3 lbs of sea scallops for my dinner party I was planning on hosting on Sunday night. Well, the snow storm we didn’t expect postponed our party and I was left with well, 3 lbs of fresh scallops.  Andrew’s gone for 3 days on his business trip so it’s just me and the kids. Kids, it’s going to be scallops for dinner for the next few days.

I made Seared scallops with broccoli rabe on Sunday night. Shane loved it! Chloe, not so much..but she ate all of it. All 5 of them.


Monday night was seared scallops over parmesan risotto.


Both kids liked it enough to finish their plate. Then I pack some more for their  lunch the next day.


By Wednesday, kids put a stop to this scallop madness so the rest of them went to the freezer. 🙁
