Archive for February, 2015

happy valentines day!

Saturday, February 14th, 2015



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Kids and I made blueberry muffins this morning and we wrapped them and delivered to our neighbors.


Chloe’s class winter music concert

Wednesday, February 11th, 2015

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birthday cake

Sunday, February 8th, 2015


Tonight we celebrated my birthday with my family.

I’m laughing as I’m posting this. Did I cover all the bases? Celebration with friends? ? Celebrations with hubby? ? Celebration with kids? ?DSC_6076

Happy birthday to me. Hahaha I’m so over it now! DSC_6078 DSC_6080 DSC_6083

Souvenir from Hong Kong

birthday dinner

Sunday, February 8th, 2015


My hubby finally came back from his business trip and took me out for my belated birthday dinner. I was so excited to try the tasting menu here.

food collage

What an intriguing , fascinating and gorgeous presentation of food! We weren’t sure in the beginning, if some of the dishes were decor or food. Everything was so fresh, eclectic & creative, not to mention delicious. I’m impressed.

food collage

About 1/3 into the meal, thay moved us to a beautiful private dinning area for a change of scenery.


Back to our table…food collage

DSCN3344By the time we were done, it was well into the night. I was stuffed! It was definitely an unforgettable night. 🙂

blue hill

Sunday, February 8th, 2015

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Dinning at Blue Hill Stone Barns

this is 40

Monday, February 2nd, 2015


To me, the best gift my family can get for my birthday is their thoughtful cards. And today, I’m on cloud nine because of what they gave me. Feeling so loved and blessed…

Chloe wrote 40 things about me in her notebook and gave it to me with her card:
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This is AMAZING. I cried and I laughed… Thank you my dearest daughter Chloe. You are AMAZING.DSC_6064



Andrew also left me a card with kids to give it to me today. 🙂

Thank you God for loving me so much and blessing me with a beautiful family….

snow day birthday

Monday, February 2nd, 2015


At first, I thought it’s nice to have a snow day on my birthday so I can stay home with kids today. Then I remembered what I had to do. Ugh.


I tried shoveling the old fashion way then I gave up here. DSCN3267

After Face timing Andrew in Hong Kong , he was able to walk me through how to use the snow blower.

At this point I cried. I ran out of gas and I couldn’t bring it back up.DSCN3271

After taking a moment (did some  yoga breathing), I figured out how to put in gas and was able to maneuver the machine. It wasn’t easy and a few times on the way down the driveway, it dragged me down the hill and I lost control of that thing. Yes I screamed. Sorry neighbors.DSCN3273

After 3 hours, I did it.

Then it snowed again. Best birthday ever.

shane’s room progress

Sunday, February 1st, 2015


DSC_6059Hanging up our art works…

