We woke up to an another snowy day. We’re surrounded by snow everywhere we go!

Wait a minute… we didn’t get the memo that we’re wearing purple today…

So. Shane’s trying snowboarding for the first time today. I don’t know about this.

Oops, there he goes…

Andrew’s trying to teach Shane but it’s not going too well…

He’s trying!


He looks happy though. (Just in this picture)

Chloe’s sticking to skiing with me.

We got on the lift and she was getting really nervous. It was a really long ride….

She felt pretty hard getting off the lift so she was really scared to ski down.

It took a long while to ski down but she did it! She didn’t want to go back up though because of the lift experience so we were done for the day after this.

The first day was tough for Chloe but she is ready to ski again tomorrow. 🙂
For Shane, he’s going back to skiing and I think tomorrow will be a better day. We’re going to find that purple team and resume the lesson…