Archive for September, 2012

shane’s race car birthday party

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

Birthday boy has arrived!

A big thank you to everyone who came to celebrate Shane’s birthday! Thank you for making his day special and memorable. It was a blast!

getting ready for the party…

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

{ Special thanks to Uncle Austin for coming early to set up the race track! }

I’ve been preparing for this party every night for a couple of months. I can’t wait to see Shane’s smile when he see this!

he turned four ! ! ! !

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Make a wish~

shine on shane

Friday, September 21st, 2012

Me: Shane, so you turned 4 today! Tell me something that describes who you are.
Shane: Uhm… I’m master of strong! And I’m master of socks sometimes too.

Me: What’s your favorite sports?
Shane: Baseball, but I love all sports.

Me: Who’s your favorite sports team?
Shane: Yankees!

Me: Your favorite color?
Shane: Green.

Me: Favorite food?
Shane: Pasta.

Me: Are you still going to marry me when you grow up?
Shane: Yes.

I love love love LOVE this boy. He couldn’t be any more perfect in my eyes. He’s funny, charismatic, gentle yet super active.

He loves:
to sing and dance, loves his family, loves dogs, loves icing on cupcakes, loves hugs and kisses, loves to call me over for hugs 10 x or more before bed times, loves to grunt, loves to kick, loves to draw on walls, desk, and any other surfaces, loves swords, loves to play in water, loves bubble bath, loves Barbie listerine, loves the taste of minty floss, loves to roll, jump and run down hills with open arms.

Here’s my prayer for you my son…

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.

Matthew 5:16

Happy birthday, Shane!

Shane’s party invitation

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Shane’s turning FOUR this Friday!

what kids have been drawing

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Chloe is drawing stories.

She drew the house we stayed in Long Island a few days after we came back from the trip. She definitely has an eye for details and is very observant.

Shane at almost 4 years old is drawing people.

This one is me!

chloe at work

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Chloe has Monday and Tuesday off from school and on Thursday she has a half day.

It’s been a crazy week to say the least. On Monday, she stayed with me for a full day at work, which meant she was with me during my work meeting. She was pretty good for the most part, except when the meeting ran past noon she started to say “Mommy, I’m hungry. Mommy, I’m really hungry… Mommy? I’m hungry…” I think she found it amusing that I was trying to tell her to stop telepathically with my eyes…

So the next day I stayed home with her.

friend’s house

Sunday, September 16th, 2012

This afternoon, we were invited over for lunch at my friend’s house. I was excited to see what her kitchen looks like because she bakes and cooks everything from scratch and even dehydrates fruits for her kids snacks.  Every time I talk to her, I get so inspired to cook healthy for the family and I’m always picking her brains for new recipes.

homemade focaccia bread

avocado plants

Bella, I have a new nick name for you: Hellokitty!

We even got a family photo taken by a professional photographer. Thanks Ben!

It was a perfect Sunday afternoon spent with good friends. Thank you Kang family. 🙂


Friday, September 14th, 2012

beautiful tomatoes from my garden~

secret garden – ringwood botanical garden

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

We had a gorgeous fall weather today.

Beautiful flowers…

Let’s have a race!


flower bracelet

don’t know what that face is about.

mother and son

Here’s some more rock star poses.
