such as baking.

This is my very first attempt to bake cookies. Two years ago for Shane’s first birthday, I made my first cupcakes ever! The mix came out of a box. I love cooking but was never really interested in baking, until Ms. Chloe was born and challenged me to think differently. For Shane’s 2nd birthday, we got a birthday cake from a local bakery and Chloe thought that not having additional cupcakes at a party was the strangest thing.
Chloe: Where are the cupcakes?
Me: We’re not going to have cupcakes. We’ll just have one birthday cake.
Chloe: You’re not making cupcakes for Shane’s birthday?
Me: Nope. But we’ll have a good dinner in the backyard.
Chloe: But we HAVE to have cupcakes because we always have cupcakes at birthday parties!
Me: I don’t know how to make cupcakes.
Chloe: What?!?!?!?!
Me: Uhm. Yeah. So no cupcakes.
Chloe: … (she walks away to her play room, looking very confused.)
About 5 min. later she comes back.
Chloe: Mommy, how about you and I take a cupcake making workshop together? We can both learn! Is that a good idea?
Ever since this conversation with Chloe, I have been thinking about learning how to bake. Man, she was so disappointed at me when she found out I don’t bake. So, since we were stuck in the snow, I went online and found a cookie recipe and I thought it would be fun to make cookies with her. In my mind, it was the perfect cozy winter snowy afternoon, spent baking with my beautiful children…, right?
First of all, I had to drive through piles of snow in the freezing weather, buy the ingredients from a market including a hand mixer from Target, come home, mix the ingredients and then had to refrigerate it for an hour. By then, Chloe was tired of waiting.
Then I realized that it was almost dinner time and I couldn’t give them the cookies to spoil their appetite. So I told the kids to wait again until we eat dinner. They were not happy but I stuck to the plan. We had dinner. We then finally made the dough and put them in the oven.
Turns out that I may have gotten a little confused with the measuring… and made the worst tasting cookies ever. It was bitter, hard, and did I mention bitter? It tasted wrong. They all ended up in the garbage can. Poor kids, they were so disappointed, I pulled out all kinds of store bought snacks from our pantry. What a day.
I blame the snow storm.