I was feeling creative this morning so I made mashed potatoes with kale, sweet potatoes, carrots, then topped it with sautéed shrimp and bacon bits with raw beets on the side. I also made a grapefruit salad with olive oil and fresh mint AT 7 A.M.

After breakfast we headed to the Jersey shore. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera in the car so I didn’t take any pictures while we were on the beach. We went to a beach near Old bridge town, giving up on an idea to go to Pleasantville because of too much traffic. When we got there, the beach wasn’t quite nice. It was rocky with many broken sea shells and seaweeds floating around the water, and it was more of a fishing area. However, Ms. Chloe didn’t care. She HAD to get in the water and Andrew wasn’t too thrilled to jump in the water so I carried her a quarter of a mile to the other side of the beach where it was a secluded area with nicer sand. It was great. At the end, Chloe and I had the most fun being the only two people in the water.

Before we headed back home, we went to a playground nearby because that was the only way to convince Chloe to come out of the water. Yeah, I forgot my secret weapon, the lollipop.
Shane started clapping three weeks ago right after his 9 month doctor’s visit. His doctor asked us if he had started clapping yet and that very afternoon is when he started to clap. Today he started doing ‘jam jam’ hand motion (closing and opening of palm) following Andrew’s motions. He tries to imitate motions and sounds that we make. He’s an expert at saying Ummmm-Ma (mommy) and sometime he says Da-da. I think it’s safe to say his first word was Uhm-ma.
He’s gotten very STRONG. It’s hard to handle him now. Changing his diaper has became my daily workouts. I have to crawl after him, grab his legs with my left hand and pin him down with my elbow while wiping him and changing the diaper with my right hand. This boy does not stop moving. He twists and turns until he gets away.