Archive for February, 2009
happy tu ju day!
Monday, February 2nd, 2009
Today I turned 30 something… Even though I begged my mom not to cook so much, she once again managed to cook beautiful meals for breakfast (Korean) and lunch (Italian). Then for dinner, we ordered in from my favorite Korean Chinese restaurant, Chung Hwa Roo in Fort Lee. What a day of feast!!
Chloe was so excited that it was somebody’s birthday today. She repeatedly said, "happy TU JU day!!" all day.
making the transitions
Sunday, February 1st, 2009
Chloe adapts to changes so beautifully.
Before Shane was born, we planned to give him Chloe’s crib, so we bought a twin size bed for Chloe which has been sitting in her room since last November. As time got close to making that change, I got nervous. Shane’s too small for the co-sleeper now and Chloe seemed disinterested in the big bed. I wasn’t sure if it was too early to bump Chloe off her crib. What if she doesn’t like her new bed and climbs out of it to come to our room every night? Plus, I’ve talked to several moms about it and they all told me it’s too early and I should go buy another crib for Shane.
However my mom kept encouraging me to talk to Chloe and she really felt that Chloe is smart enough to understand it, so we started talking to her about making the switch. Also, for couple of days in the past week, I laid down with her in her new bed each night. Then it happened! Last night when I put her in her crib to sleep her, she started throwing a fit. I couldn’t understand why she was so upset. Then she said, "oh, this one! oh, this one!" pointing at the new bed and said, "this is baby’s!" pointing at the crib. So I gladly put her in the big bed and she slept through the night by herself without making a peep!
She woke up so happy and proud! Oh my beautiful girl…