My parents arrived last Monday and I can't describe how happy we are!!! Chloe remembered them from their last visit about nine months ago and jumped to my mom's arms as soon as she saw her. Shane probably didn't recognize them right away but gave them a very warm smile. The kids are ecstatic about them staying and as for me, well I've already gained about 2lbs. We're eating well and so happy.
I'm so thankful for my family.
Something about Shane:
1. At 15 months, he's repeating everything we say now and understands most of what we say. He loves his sister and always wants to hang around her and play with whatever toys Chloe is playing with at the time, which leads to a lot of screaming and pushing.
2. He's also independent and can spend up to 45 min. playing alone, particularly flipping books and putting objects in and out of boxes and jars.
3. Favorite words are; bye bye, hi, more, apple, ma-Na-Na (banana).
4. Loves dancing and sings along with Chloe.
5. His bedtime routine is the most challenging (bath time in particular) but the best time of the day. He doesn't like washing his hair and doesn't want to go inside the tub. So, I twist and turn trying to wash him given he won't sit and tries to get out by trying to climb on to my lap, but as soon as I say "okay that's it, we're done", he goes inside the tube and sits down with the "ha ha, I got you" smile. What the heck?! Then I have a hard time trying to get him OUT of the water. Ahhh… then the getting dressed part… He runs and runs away naked, giggling and laughing. He totally knows what he's doing and thinks it's so hilarious that his mommy's hopping here and there trying to catch him. By the time I get him lotioned and all dressed, I'm sweating and exhausted. Then, this is when it gets better…. I hold him as he drinks his milk, then I fight him ( well almost there) to brush his teeth, THEN I hold him again and we pray to God together. At this time, he's holding me tight, resting his head on my shoulder….. the best!!! As soon as I say, "… we pray in the name of Jesus", he says "Amen" and pulls himself our of my arms towards his crib. Then I say goodnight, and he says, "night" then he's down for the night until the next morning.
The love and joy I feel about my kids is just unattainable. I'm beyond hopeless.
Merry Christmas, my darlings….