Chloe was sick the last three days with a runny nose, fever of 102º, stomach problems, and also teething. On Saturday morning she woke up around 5 a.m. and seemed to be better, but after a few hours later, she was getting cranky and tired so I put her to bed for an early morning nap. She woke up around noon SCREAMING and CRYING. She cried when I held her, she cried when I offered her food, she cried when I sang, and there was nothing we could do to stop her from crying. When her crying lasted more than an hour, we started to get worried and called her doctor. He advised me to give her 2.5 ml of infant Motrin and if she still had not calmed down after 45 mins, we would have to take her to an emergency room for examinations . I started to PANIC! We just ran out of Motrin so Andrew ran to a pharmacy while I stayed with Chloe who was still screaming… She was very thirsty and kept asking for water. After getting up and down several times to get her cup of water, I got her a new bottle of water. As soon as I said “be careful not to spill, honey”, she grabbed the bottle and S P R A Y E D all over across the living room! That’s when I knew she was just misbehaving. It was time to bring out Nanny 911 in me!
Andrew sometimes complains about my disciplining ability to Chloe. He thinks I don’t. AT ALL. The truth is, he’s right. I let her get away with a lot of things because I really can’t bring myself to be upset by her. I always take her side and understand her point of view, which is filled with curiousity . When she makes a mess of things, I let her, which is so surprising to Andrew because he thinks I’m a neat freak. Anyway, this time it was a different story. She crossed the line. It was MY time to be authoritative and be her boss! I showed her. Since I hardly get upset at her or show my angry side to Chloe, she responded almost immediately. She stopped her crying and calmed down.
Andrew walks in and sees Chloe sitting quietly next to me, gently leaning against me. He looked so surprised…
“Dude, what did you do??”
Chloe was back to her sweetness for the rest of the afternoon.

High five!
A walk by the lake