Chloe amazingly understands almost everything we say. When we ask her “where’s ___? She looks under the couch and around her toys for it. Her favorite things to do these days are shaking her head, spinning round and round until she gets dizzy, and of course, eating. She took a big fistful of my birthday cake today, hence the photo. 🙂
Also, recently she’s been saying í• ë¨¸ë‹ˆ (grandma) which made my mom Oh So Very Happy! It’s just so great having my parents with us here, taking care of Chloe. Not only do I get an extra hour of sleep from time to time, my mom’s been cooking up a storm for the entire family. My dad’s also been doing all the groceries and dishes including Chloe’s bottles. Words cannot describe how greatful we are. No ordinary love can show so much sacrifice… :*I