Archive for February, 2008

Snow Day

Friday, February 22nd, 2008

I had to work from home today because of heavy snow. You can see how productive my day was!
Chloe had to stay in. It’s just too cold, insisted my parents. :O(
so she got her friends to watch with her.
I can’t remember the last time my mom and I made snowman together. It was so much fun!!
Happy snow day!

Soon-to-be-big sister

Saturday, February 16th, 2008

Chloe is going to be a big sister this autumn. I know she’ll be a wonderful loving sister. In the meantime, it’s morning sickness all over again. I’ve had a pretty bad one with Chloe, so I’m hoping and praying this one will be shorter. I can’t help to feel guilty to Chloe because I can’t cook for her like I used to. Just the thought of being in the kitchen makes me sick, but when I’m with her, that’s when I can forget about my nausea and be human again. Her bright smiles and warm hugs make me feel so much better.

Be My Valentine!

Thursday, February 14th, 2008

Chloe received her first valentine’s card from daddy. She said, “dad-dy, what’s this?” 🙂

How Old Is Chloe?

Monday, February 4th, 2008

Chloe Says…

Sunday, February 3rd, 2008

Chloe amazingly understands almost everything we say. When we ask her “where’s ___? She looks under the couch and around her toys for it. Her favorite things to do these days are shaking her head, spinning round and round until she gets dizzy, and of course, eating. She took a big fistful of my birthday cake today, hence the photo. 🙂
Also, recently she’s been saying 할머니 (grandma) which made my mom Oh So Very Happy! It’s just so great having my parents with us here, taking care of Chloe. Not only do I get an extra hour of sleep from time to time, my mom’s been cooking up a storm for the entire family. My dad’s also been doing all the groceries and dishes including Chloe’s bottles. Words cannot describe how greatful we are. No ordinary love can show so much sacrifice… :*I


Saturday, February 2nd, 2008

Welcome to our blog! I wanted to create a way to be in touch with my customers. I’m hoping to post your pictures wearing my jewelry and your experiences. You can also read about our exciting sales and sample sale informations. Please check back often for more to come…
