Archive for 2007
What Do I Do Now?
Monday, June 25th, 2007
05:00am: wake up call / breastmilk
05:30am: playtime with daddy
07:00am: morning nap
08:30am: mealtime (6 oz. formula + fruit)
09:00am: playtime
11:00am: mid morning nap
01:00pm: mealtime (breastmilk + rice cereal + veggies or fruit)
01:30pm: playtime
03:00pm: afternoon nap
04:00pm: mealtime (6 oz. formula + veggies)
06:00pm: bathtime with mommy
06:20pm: breastmilk
06:30pm: bedtime
Tooth Sprout
Sunday, June 24th, 2007
Last night I had a dream that Chloe’s First tooth was coming out. So I checked this morning and surely Mommy was right! 🙂
It’s finally here. After many days of drooling (she has drooled on the half of GRC congregation. sorry~), causing a little bit of facial rash, a bottom tooth is sprouting.
Welcome! ^^
Amazing Love
Wednesday, June 20th, 2007
“We make God’s supernatural heart skip a beat.” is a quote from a book I’m reading titled Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas.
Everytime I’m about to open the front door of our house anticipating to see my daugher, I feel the butterflies in my stomach. And when Chloe greets me with a huge smile, recognizing her mommy is home, my heart’s pounding hopelessly. When I read this book and came across the sentence, I was overwhelmed. How could it be? Me? I make God’s heart skip? What in the earth did I ever do to deserve that kind of love?
Then I began to think about Chloe. How much she means to me and how much I love her. My love for her took place in my heart before she was born. The moment I discovered that there was another heartbeat inside of me, that’s when it all happened. She was a part of my own existance and because I knew her from the very beginning, my love for her became absolute.
God has created me therefore He loves me. How simple and amazing that sounds… It’s the truth that I began to realize when I had Chloe. I can’t quite explain how that makes me feel. The language I am completely dependent for expressing my thoughts and feelings is incapable of conveying something I experience vividly but cannot put into words. Gratefulness fills my heart.
Fan Club
Monday, June 18th, 2007
Today was Andrew’s first Father’s Day! To celebrate, I made him T-shirts so he can express how he feels about Chloe!
And of course, for me & Chloe as well…
Chloe’s so interested in her feet these days. She’s always playing with her feet and tasting them. She’s so flexible she can grab and put both of her feet in her mouth at the same time. We are very proud of her!
DIY Baby
Tuesday, June 12th, 2007
Chloe loves to do things on her own, including feeding herself! She loves grabbing things, and of course, whatever she grabs ends up in her mouth. One of my favorite things has to be coming home during lunch to feed Chloe. We have a such blast together. Watching her eat satisfies me… I can’t explain why…