Archive for December, 2007
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 25th, 2007Greetings!
Monday, December 24th, 2007Warm Wishes
Friday, December 21st, 2007Curious Chloe
Wednesday, December 19th, 2007Chloe Go Home
Sunday, December 16th, 2007
My aunt taught Chloe to point with her index finger like E.T. So when I say “E.T.” Chloe comes running towards me with her index finger to touch my finger.
Another thing that’s so fascinating these days is, Chloe’s verbal communication skills. She says “ì´ê±° 모야? 모야? 모해? ” which means “what’s this? What are you doing?” all the time.
Dancing Star
Saturday, December 15th, 2007ONE Year Ago…
Wednesday, December 12th, 2007Just a year ago today, I started my maternity leave from work. I was planning on going shopping in the city with my parents after my routine ultrasound check up. My plan had changed when they told me I was to call my doctor immediately and go straight to the hospital to have a baby that day, because my fluid was low. I was about a week early for my due date. I called Andrew about 12 times before he picked up his phone, and with such excitement I said, “I’m going to have our baby TODAY!” I checked myself into Holy Name hospital, which I was very familiar with since I’d been in the same ER twice already during this pregnancy due to fainting and early contractions. I had my parents and my husband with me and I was all ready this time. I went in at 12 noon and they prepared me for an induction which was going to take place 12 hours later, which meant I would have had to wait until the next morning to have my baby. That was the plan that my doctor had. Little did she know, I started naturally having contractions and was fully dilated by 9 p.m. Chloe was born at 11:03 p.m. on Dec. 11, 2006. The nurses and my doctor called me a miracle patient because everything happened so unexpectedly, with a perfect textbook delivery.
That same night at around 1 a.m., I went to go see my baby in the nursery. She was the only baby crying in the quiet nursery with her arms swinging. Yep, that’s my baby. 🙂 I brought her with me to my bed and we spent our very first night together. She was so small, so fragil, and so…precious… I love you Chloe very very much. I thank God for you endlessly.Happy Birthday Chloe!
Today’s Special: mi-yuk-kuk with beef broth, white rice, & steemed sole fish
After having a full course meal, she’s showing off her strength. She is carrying this toy bus as her purse.
happy birthday, chloe!
Tuesday, December 11th, 2007It was a colorful and sparkling party! All the lady guests got their own birth stones in the invitations as a part of the card design and they brought them to the party to make it into a bracelet. The theme of the party was jewels and golds. All the candies, candles and other table top decorations were all handmade by me, specially for this party. The floor pillows that guest sat on were custom made to match Chloe’s Korean custom, hanbok that she wore.
Happy birthday my precious one…
Chloe’s First Birthday Party_2
Sunday, December 9th, 2007Chloe made a grand entrance through the back door. When she walked into the kitchen, she was surrounded by all these paparazzies taking pictures of her. It was so funny. 🙂
Chloe’s mondernized “Dol Sang” which are all handmade with various candies.
She’s contemplating on what to choose… Whatever object she chooses will foretell her future according to Korean tradition.
Chloe chose a pen! Which means she will be very creative. 🙂
The day went by so quickly. Thank you so much to everyone who came to wish Chloe a happy birthday! More pictures to come…