Archive for September, 2007

Ooh La La

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

Happy birthdaaddy!

Daddy’s Birthday Weekend!

Sunday, September 30th, 2007

It’s Andrew’s first birthday as a father. Chloe was asleep by the time I prepared dinner for him so we had a cozy night in for ourselves.
Eventhough he’s a dad now, he’s still a big kid in front of a cake.
To continue celebrating, we went to a french bistro with Chloe the next day. Chloe was very good at the restaurant, just looking around and entertaining herself. She even ordered for herself.
“Excuse me, sir!”
“Can I get more french cheerios?”

Hold On…

Friday, September 21st, 2007

These last few days haven’t been easy. Chloe’s been extra drooooooly during the day and she’s been waking up a few times during the night. I suspect it’s because she’s teething + a cold that I passed onto her. šŸ™ After the first two bottom teeth came out, she had a nice long break from teething…until now. Then all of sudden, I see a few on the bottom and a couple on top. Ouch… the first couple times she woke up crying, I held her for awhile thinking how nice it was that I was able to hold and comfort my little girl. It was a very special moment we shared in the dark as I whispered my wishes and prayers for her. But after she woke up a few more times, it meant business. I ran downstairs to our living room and got the baby bijon and she finally fell asleep on my chest at around 4 a.m. This was how my parents, Andrew, and I slept all the time with her, taking turns for the first 3 months with Chloe fast asleep on our chest. Man, that feels like just yesterday… time really flies when you’re having fun. Difficult times often are remembered as a precious times in your memory, as it lingers the longest. I wish I can hold these moments forever… minus her pain.

Camera, Action!

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

It’s not easy taking pictures of Chloe anymore. As soon as she hears or sees my camera, she drops everything she’s doing and goes right for it. This was taken right before she snatched it out of my hand. She’s so fast!

You Talkin To Me?

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

“I just put a cheerio in my mouth!”
Chloe stands!!! Today she stood still for about 5 seconds before she landed on her butt.

Sip! Sip!

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

I had no idea how cool these sippy cups were. No spills! Chloe’s pretty natural at this.

Chloe’s Os

Thursday, September 20th, 2007

Chloe had Cheerios for the first time today. She was so cute, picking them up one by one wth her tiny fingers.


Sunday, September 16th, 2007

Our living room has officially turned into Chloe’s toy land. It’s amazing how much room this little baby needs…

Inseparable Pair

Saturday, September 15th, 2007

Andrew had to work today so it was just the two of us. Chloe was so much FUN to play with. Everyday she’s changing that she’s different week to week. She’s becoming much more interactive and responsive. All day, we played peekaboo game where she would run(crawl) and turn back and I would go, “peekaboo, mommy’s here!”. She LOVED it. She was laughing so hard at one point she banged her head on the floor and ended up crying a little bit. She smiles at everything now and she thinks even my toes are funny.

Free Will

Sunday, September 9th, 2007

As Chloe’s becoming more aware of things around her, she’s getting better at expressing her opinions about them.

Must haves:
Tags/ Labels (not the fake ones by Taggies, the real ones)
Cell phones/blackberries (again, not the toy phones)
Mommy’s hair
Mommy’s necklaces
Vitamin drops
Her toothbrush

Things she dislikes:
Washing face
Picking nose
Cutting nails/toe nails
Pony ride (hence the photo)

…The list goes on but those are the highlights.
