Archive for August, 2020


Monday, August 17th, 2020

My Growth group families sent us dinner for the whole family today. I have been refusing friend’s food offers but I’m seeing that my mom has been getting too tired from single-handedly managing everyone’s meals for the last three weeks! Even with ordering food from restaurants from time to time, it was getting too much. And with my recent ordeal, I don’t know how much the recovery will take. So I said yes to my friends who wanted to give my mom some break! Wow, they sent so much food, we’ll be eating Italians for the next two night for sure! Thank you Ko’s and Chung’s family for the delicious meals!


Wednesday, August 12th, 2020

I’m hearing a lot of  I TOLD YOU SOs today… So maybe the haircut and the picnic were not such good ideas after all. Or maybe it’s one of those things that happens randomly… Who knows. After much excruciating pain for the last two days, my doctor ordered another CAT scan and blood work to find the culprit of the pain. Turns out there’s been a fluid build up where my appendix was. Fun! 
So I lost all my rights (especially to my mom) to do anything else besides lying down and resting. I’m staying in bed and obeying. 
Thanks to my friends who stopped by and dropped off flowers to brighten my day! Means so much, Michelle and Amy K!!!


Sunday, August 9th, 2020

So I convinced my family I was fine and that I’m feeling cabin fever from staying in bed for 2 weeks, so they took me out for a drive and nice picnic by the Hudson River. Even though my belly was still swollen and was a bit painful to wear pants, I felt like a normal human again to be out of the house. 


Saturday, August 8th, 2020

GONE! Feels so good to cut my hair short! I guess it was being in bed for too long that having this long hair was really getting to me. I went out for the first time since the surgery and even though I was walking around the salon like a grandma I didn’t care. I needed this so bad! 


Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

We got hit by some kind of tropical storm and our neighbor’s trees fell on our properties, and branches and debris fell everywhere on my garden. Thankfully we didn’t lose our power like so many of people in our neighborhood. 

My boy cleaning up the patio!


Monday, August 3rd, 2020

Chloe has been by my side, helping me getting up and down, getting me water and food, and even reading to me. What an angel…

We also spent time watching girly chick flicks like Breakfast At Tiffiany’s (which turned out to be not so appropriate btw ;P) and Clueless and enjoyed some quality girls only time. How did I get so lucky… 


Sunday, August 2nd, 2020

So the dumb me thought that I was feeling better this morning so I went out to the garden, tended to it, got some herbs to make pesto pasta for lunch for the family. My mom has been cooking for the whole family and I wanted to help today since I was feeling more energetic… and I did some laundry while I was at it… when the pain back and started throbbing.

So I learned my lesson, took my meds, went back to my bed and promised to do nothing until I see my doctor in 10 days… Oh well, I tried. I just have to close my eyes and ignore all the things I see that needs to be done around the house… 


Saturday, August 1st, 2020

My friend took the kids all day for a playdate at their house so I can rest… Thank you Anna for taking the kids all day and giving them a wonderful day!
